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Science Events in Vancouver

Stay up-to-date with all of the life science events taking place in Vancouver with the Science in Vancouver events calendar! From academia to industry and biotech to pharma, our events calendar is your complete source for life science conferences, symposiums, networking, and workshops in Vancouver.

If you’re interested in promoting a life science event in our calendar, please use our event submission form.


Diversify Research

BC Cancer Research Centre 675 W 10th Ave, Vancovuer

The British Columbia Cancer Agency Graduate Student and Post Doctoral Fellow Society has created the event “Diversify Research” in order to encourage BIPOC and LGBTQIA2S+ students to pursue science and...


Diversify Research

BC Cancer Research Centre 675 W 10th Ave, Vancovuer

The British Columbia Cancer Agency Graduate Student and Post Doctoral Fellow Society has created the event “Diversify Research” in order to encourage BIPOC and LGBTQIA2S+ students to pursue science and...
