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UBC Hosts First Ever BC Regenerative Medicine Symposium

By May 19, 2017No Comments

(Left to right) Dr. Fabio Rossi, William Kennedy, Roza Vaez Ghaemi, Dr. Katharina Rhothe, Stephanie Campbell, Sanam Shafaatablab, and Dr. Allen Eaves at the BC Regenerative Medicine Symposium.

On May 10th, scientists and trainees in the field of stem cell biology attended the first ever BC Regenerative Medicine Symposium at the UBC Pharmaceutical Sciences building. The full day event featured talks by academic and industry professionals, a poster competition, and the Henry G. Friesen International Prize in Health Research Lecture by Dr. Janet Rossant, deputy scientific director of the Canadian Stem Cell Network.

The one-day event culminated with the announcement of the poster competition and rapid fire talk winners by Dr. Allen Eaves, CEO of STEMCELL Technologies, who sponsored the awards.

Poster Awards
1st – William Kennedy, UBC
2nd – Roza Vaez Ghaemi, UBC
3rd – Katharina Rothe, BCCA TFL, and Stephanie Campbell, BCCHRI
4th – Sanam Shafaatablab, SFU

Rapid Fire Awards
1st – BaRun Kim, SFU
2nd – Nicole Krentz, UBC
3rd – Nicole Krentz, UBC
4th – Kevin Rey, SFU, and Laura De La Vega, UVic

Given the success of the event, organizers are considering making the symposium an annual event.

For more information on the BC Regenerative Medicine Symposium, contact or @BCREGMED on facebook or twitter.