On May 15, the Faculty of Medicine celebrated the academic achievements and distinguished careers of 62 faculty members during its annual Academic Gowns and Emeriti Recognition Ceremony. From the Departments of Medicine, Physical Therapy and beyond, recipients from across the Faculty wore black gowns to mark their recent promotions to Professor, Clinical Professor or Professor of Teaching. Special recognition was also reserved for twenty-three members who were granted Emeritus or Emerita status for the significant contributions they made over the course of their careers. In his opening remarks, Dermot Kelleher, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, congratulated the members on their academic excellence and service to society. “These gowns represent the esteemed admiration and respect you have all earned as a result of your exceptional professional accomplishments as scholars, researchers and educators,” he said. “Through your work, you have helped build and shape the Faculty of Medicine into the vibrant community that it is today.”