At MSFHR we partner to grow BC research talent in two main ways: inviting organizations to co-fund MSFHR awards, and contributing match funding for BC researchers applying for national and international projects that address our province’s health system priorities.
This match funding enables BC researchers to participate in national and international research, build connections and apply their learnings to the BC health research environment.
In line with this commitment to grow BC’s research presence, both in Canada and globally, MSFHR is pleased to offer matching funds to support the highest ranked BC applications that secure programmatic grants via the CIHR Strategy for Patient-Oriented Research (SPOR) Network in Primary and Integrated Health Care Innovation (PIHCI).
These four-year grants will support cross-jurisdictional teams working to integrate patient-oriented research into policy and practice to address primary and integrated care priorities.
Each team must include at least four jurisdictions, each contributing to collectively match CIHR’s $1 million grant. To support BC’s leadership in this area, MSFHR will provide matching funds of up to $300,000 (maximum $150,000 per team over the four years) to support research led from the province.