The Catecholaminergic Polymorphic Ventricular Tachycardia (CPVT) Registry and Biobank is an international multi-centre study led by Dr Shubhayan Sanatani at the Children’s Heart Centre at BC Children’s Hospital (BCCH). CPVT is a rare (1:10,000) genetic heart condition characterized by an abnormal heart rhythm triggered by emotional stress or exercise. This abnormal rhythm may lead to cardiac arrest and/or death in otherwise healthy individuals. CPVT is most often diagnosed in young people, often after a serious event, such as cardiac arrest during physical exercise. Because of its rarity, the condition is not well known even among specialists, and methods of treatment vary widely.
Dr. Sanatani and his research team started the world-wide Registry and Biobank project to learn more about CPVT, provide guidelines to the physician community, and as a result, offer more personalized treatment to CPVT patients. Currently, there are over 100 participants enrolled within 12 centres across North America and Asia, and these numbers are steadily rising. An infographic (shown below) with preliminary data obtained from the study is helping to raise awareness of CPVT among researchers and physicians.
Dr. Sanatani’s team is funded by the Heart and Stroke Foundation, Genome BC, and CIHR.