The human brain is the most complex biological structure in the known universe, containing hundreds of billions of cells and trillions of connections that control every thought, feeling, movement and function of our bodies. Despite major advances in recent decades, our understanding of the brain is still frustratingly limited, driving the world’s most costly medical conditions and leading to immeasurable personal and societal tolls. In Canada alone, neurological and mental health disorders cost the economy in excess of $61-billion per year including direct and indirect costs – and that number is likely underestimated.
A deepened understanding of the brain is critical to improve the health and well-being of Canadians and research is foundational to an all-encompassing brain strategy.
Canada is known globally for its strengths in research collaboration. Our country has over two dozen institutions focused exclusively on neuroscience and mental health research, establishing brain science as one of our greatest areas of research strength. We boast over a dozen pan-Canadian consortia or networks spanning the research areas of movement disorders, action and perception, traumatic brain injury, neurodegeneration, stroke, depression, autism, epigenetics, neurodevelopmental disorders and mental health.