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Dr. Bruce Verchere
UBC Faculty of Medicine Distinguished Achievement Award
Dr. Christopher Overall
Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada
Dr. Deborah Giaschi
UBC Killam Research Prize
Dr. Dermot Kelleher
Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences
Dr. Eric Zhao
2018 Canadian Medical Hall of Fame Award
Dr. Evelyn Stewart
UBC Faculty of Medicine Distinguished Achievement Award
Dr. Heather McKay
Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences
Dr. Jehannine Austin
UBC Faculty of Medicine Distinguished Achievement Award
Dr. Joanne Weinberg
Bill and Marilyn Webber Lifeteime Achievement Award
Dr. Karen Gelmon
Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences
Dr. Larry Lynd
Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences
Dr. Lori Brotto
Member of the College of New Scholars, Artists, and Scientists
Dr. Martin Gleave
Member of the Order of Canada
Dr. Peter Leung
UBC Faculty of Medicine Distinguished Achievement Award
Dr. Shawn Mansfield
Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada
Dr. Shoukat Dedhar
Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada
Dr. Stuart Turvey
2018 Geoffrey L. Hammond Lectureship
Dr. Teresa Liu-Ambrose
Member of the College of New Scholars, Artists, and Scientists
Dr. Thomas Oxland
Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada
Dr. Timothy Kieffer
Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences
Dr. Wendy Robinson
UBC Faculty of Medicine Distinguished Achievement Award
Dr. Yuzhuo Wang
Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences