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2018 Health System Impact Fellows

By October 31, 2018No Comments

MSFHR is pleased to be partnering with CIHR’s Institute of Health Services and Policy Research to co-fund six 2018 Health System Impact Fellows, enabling a total of 13 Fellows to be awarded in BC, supporting the development of BC’s health policy talent while addressing pressing policy issues in our province.

In 2017, MSFHR made a decision to put its Health Policy Fellowship Program on hold and partner on CIHR’s Health System Impact Fellowship. This allows MSFHR to support more BC Fellows through partnership, reduce duplication in the system, and build capacity for the integration of policy research into decision-making, one of the goals of our Health Policy Fellowship Program.

The successful 2018 recipients include six Fellows co-funded by MSFHR, bringing the total number of Fellows in BC to 13. These researchers are part of a national cohort of 49 individuals based in Ontario (16), BC (13), Quebec (8), Alberta (7), Nova Scotia (3), Saskatchewan (1) and the Northwest Territories (1).

ResearcherProject titleHost partner organizationAcademic institution
Post-doctoral Fellows
Brittany BarkerIndigenizing harm reduction: Identifying barriers to Western systems and supporting community-driven approaches to reduce opioid-related mortalities among Indigenous people who use drugs in British ColumbiaFirst Nations Health AuthorityUniversity of British Columbia
Sofia Bartlett(MSFHR co-funded)Utilizing a syndemic approach for population level prevention, care and treatment cascades of hepatitis C virus and related epidemicsBC Centre for Disease ControlUniversity of British Columbia
Kiffer CardHarnessing health systems to optimize biomedical prevention for HIV elimination among gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men in CanadaCommunity-Based Research Centre for Gay Men’s HealthUniversity of Victoria
Clayon Hamilton(MSFHR co-funded)Patient/Public Engagement Measurement and Evaluation Project (PEMEP) within the British Columbia Ministry of Health’s Patients as Partners InitiativeBC Ministry of HealthUniversity of British Columbia
Lindsay Hedden(MSFHR co-funded)Moving beyond headcounts: improved physician workforce planning for primary care in BCBC Ministry of HealthSimon Fraser University
Michael Irvine
(MSFHR co-funded)
Measuring the impact of current and future harm reduction strategies in the ongoing opioid overdose epidemic in British ColumbiaBC Ministry of Mental Health & AddictionsUniversity of British Columbia
Asif Khowaja(MSFHR co-funded)Economic evaluation and cost valuation of a province-wide quality improvement initiative: a case study of ‘Call for Less Antipsychotics in Residential Care’ (CLeAR) in British ColumbiaBC Patient Safety & Quality CouncilUniversity of British Columbia
Margo PearceAdvancing the health and wellness of BC First Nations within the hepatitis C prevention, care, and treatment cascade using integrated clinical and administrative dataBC Centre for Disease ControlUniversity of British Columbia
Laura SchummersPopulation-based epidemiological analyses to evaluate and inform reproductive health policies in British ColumbiaBC Ministry of HealthUniversity of British Columbia
Deepa Singal
(MSFHR co-funded)
Supporting a Learning Health System in British Columbia Through Developing the BC Academic Health Sciences Network (AHSN)BC Academic Health Science NetworkUniversity of British Columbia
PhD Fellows
Sameer DesaiGeographical variation and temporal trends in mortality, morbidity and health care service use for cystic fibrosis patients in British ColumbiaBC Ministry of HealthUniversity of British Columbia
Daman KandolaUse of emergency health services (EHS) for transporting stroke patients: what is known about when to seek emergency carte and how transport decisions impact in-hospital careNorthern HealthUniversity of Northern British Columbia
Chantelle RecskyAnalyzing and mitigating technology-mediated adverse events in primary and community careVancouver Coastal HealthUniversity of British Columbia